Friday, April 9, 2010


The book said learn to crochet in one day.  How about 8 months, 4 mounds of yarn, and countless hours??  I just cannot get the hang of this.  Sure I can make a great long piece and there is soooo much you can do with that - LOL.  If I'm lucky I can actually get turned around and get two rows complete and that was after Ardith spent a whole evening trying to show me.  Last night I decided to give it a go again and my old temper reared it's heads and the whole thing went across the room with some really unpleasant language following it.  This prompted the dogs to think "play time" and pretty soon they were all tied up in yarn and I was forced to get up and go untangle them.  This defeated the satisfaction I got out of throwing it.  Today I think I'll put it in the driveway and run over it!


  1. I have been wanting to learn so I can make crochet flowers. I don't know if I have the patience for it either! I knit, but only the basics!

  2. Haha...I tried and tried too...absolutely unable to grasp it! I was sooo badly trying to learn to crochet flowers! Bribing and begging friends to crochet them for me works better!

  3. I can knit, but crochet is a disaster for me. Luckily, the best friend crochet's like no one business so I can get her to make things for me. If you still want to learn there are lots of groups that get togther, you should check it out. The only time I've ever had any succes is when I was with my best friend very patiently showing me how to do it. I did about two rows and decided to go back to knitting, lol. But then, I have a chrocheter on call so I don't really feel the need to learn : P

  4. LMAO!!!!!!!! WOW...I so needed that visual and laugh!!!!!!!

  5. You had it- what happened?! It's supposed to be relaxing....NOT!!!

  6. I think you have to be 12, because that is the age that Emily, my daughter, was when she taught herself to crochet in one day! She's 14 now, and she can knit and crochet!! She made me crocheted flowers to use on my projects! It's unbelievable! I'm jealous, impressed, and mystified, because I don't get it either!!
